North America

Address: 7100 Jackson Street, Paramount CA 90723 USA
TEL:+1 424-781-7431
US contact for Japanese agricultural and livestock products
In 2017, P&Z FINE FOODS LLC was established in Paramount, Los Angeles County, California as a joint venture with the US fishery POSEIDON (Poseidon Seafood Corporation) for the purpose of import and sales of Japanese agricultural and livestock products and global seafood. We are delivering reliable high-quality products to customers as the contact for ZEN-NOH Group’s Japanese food materials in the US.


Office and cold storage building exterior

Corporate logo: red signifies sun, land and meat, blue signifies ocean and seafood
Top level share of imports to US
We have the largest share of Japanese wagyu imports to the US and have also been expanding our business as the leading importing company for Japanese rice. With enhancements in our logistics functions, our products are now being enjoyed by many consumers through restaurants and Japanese supermarkets and on-line channels in the US.

Unloading from Long Beach Port, the No.1 US port for container volumes

Sales promotion event for Japanese rice

Direct sale of wagyu at a Japanese supermarket
Wagyu delivered to more customers
In July 2018, our meat processing plant started operation, providing more processed wagyu products to customers with portion control to deliver them at more affordable prices. We are steadily increasing the sales base in the US, contributing to increased recognition of Japanese wagyu.

Processing of wagyu at our meat processing facility

Sliced wagyu product

Wagyu steak product